Thursday, 3 March 2016

Design and Code Missile

I moved on to design and code for the enemy missiles for my groups game, thus leaving my background designs for a bit. 

This design was done on Photoshop and is in the style of 2D Pixel art.

Animating the flame effect on the rocket was a quick process. This was done in frames on Photoshop and changing each image slightly.

Coding the missile:
This wasn't as easy as I would have thought at first. However with research and a bit of help from my team mates, I was able to make it work smoothly. I started with the basics, so making the model on unity was just using a cube object. Having saved the Photoshop missile as a PNG, I then imported it and placed it as the cube. I then used another cube to be the player and used the script that my team where using for the main character. The difficult part was coding the missile itself. But I used parts of the coding we had done in class on bullets and enemies. This was to help find a way to make the missile track the player and vanishing after colliding. I also had a bit of help from one of my team mates to make sure it was correct and to try and fix a few errors.

picture showing the test for my missile:

          Code for MissileMove:                      Code for BulletManager:

After discussing with my group what I had designed, they seemed pleased but asked for a bit of a more lager and bulkier missile. So I did the same process, but made it slightly larger, so that it was easier to spot in the game.

Final Rockets Design and Animation:

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