Now I have got the statue figure out the way, it was time to focus on doing the other words to model and throne, hammer and armour. I started with making the throne. The throne itself was easy to model. It was mostly extruding a cube and combining two other cubes to form a chair. Then at the top of the chair I cut a circular shape to make it look rounded.
The Hammer:
Making the hammer wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. It was simply just extruding and changing the vertex's shape so that the faces on the model would match each other. I developed this idea by just 'going forit' and see how it looks. Safe to say that I enjoyed this that I might consider adding more weapons in the battle arena...if I have time.
Making the chains was using the hoop model and changing the divisions and sides to a smaller amount. This gave the hoop less poly count and I then duplicated them until I made a chain. (And yes I know I could have done this on Zbrush..but never mind). After making the chain I created a cube cut and extruded the object until it looked convincing enough to be a sharp shoulder pad for my statue.
Entire Model Together:
This is what my statue looks like with all the objects put together. So far so good.
My objects and adding the right texture to it.
For the texture I had to alter a few things. Using the statues texture and then getting rid of the lines (by going on Photoshop and using the spot healing brush and making it a lighter grey) , I was able to make the texture for the other models.
This was the statue texture being changed and used for throne, hammer and chains.
Final Objects Modelled:
This is the texture that I am going to use for my final statue design. This texture was perfect because it blends in well with the statue, yet is much lighter than the statue itself, so everyone can see it. I was pleased with what I have achieved considering the time I have left. Let us see what I can do with all this being placed inside my battle arena.
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