Monday 7 December 2015

Face painting

For our last lesson of 2015, we were given the artwork of an old rough looking woman and was told to paint the image on Photoshop by just looking at the image on paper. This was a task to see how  well our skills in proportion and colour had become. It was a 2 hour session.  

What I got after 40 minutes:

 What I managed to do in 2 hours during the lesson:

This does go without saying that it needed a little more work on. So for my spare time (little that I have) I plan to redo the face painting. Though it was a fun task, it did show that I need to work more on my painting skills. Perhaps its type of brushes I am using? Or maybe my drawing skills are not exactly up there yet. We shall see.

Try 2 after 4 and a half hours:
This version was my second attempt at trying to speed paint. This one was done during Christmas but was timed for 4 and a half hours. This came out a lot better as I was more relaxed and not constantly looking at the time. It makes a world of difference when you have a bit more time to carry on with work with a fresh mind.

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