Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sci Fi door & Brick Wall (Combined tutorials)

Brick Wall modelling technique:

For this lesson, I was to try and learn how to create a Sci Fi door. However since it wasn't relevant for my battle arena, I hanged the texture into a brick floor. This work also links to the brick wall that I tried to make during class. Though failing, this was to be my second attempt at making it using the door tutorial.

Firstly I had to go back to making the actual bricks. I did this by using a cube and duplicating it, to make two blocks. Then I used the multi cut tool to add lines whilst also changing the form of the cube by using the sculpt tool.

After repeating this with more cubes and shrinking the scale and smoothing the edges, it was time to add 5 to 6 different type of texture. I then laid them out. And scaled the blocks to leave a gap between.

I then put two planes on top of the bricks, one near bellow, the other near the top. Though I had to leave a bit of bricks showing so that it can give the cubes a stone like effect.

The Sci Fi Door technique added: 

Now having the model I was able to use the panel tutorial.

The picture bellow shows me adding a diffuse, ambient occlusion and displacement to the three images of my blocks. I then had to bake them and in doing so this would show 3 different images.

(show three images of baked brick wall>>>)

I then went on Photoshop and opened the Launch Quixel Suite, this should also load Photoshop. (by Clicking on the orange D).

Once I finally imported the brick wall onto Photoshop, I had to experiment with the textures for the bricks.

And the two images shown bellow was my final outcome.

Though I did consider using my brick floor for my battle arena, it seemed to bright and to colourful for my dark temple. So I remade the texture on Photoshop and used this instead.

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