Wednesday 23 September 2015

Life Drawing week 1

Week 1:

This is to be my first try on life drawing.  At the moment we are looking at drawing simple lines and shapes of the body. We where told not to give any detail on the face. We where also told to draw with our weaker hand to experiment how confident we are with it. To be honest I did struggle a lot with my weaker hand, though strangely enough I was told that it showed better results that with my stronger right hand. The reason I think this could be the case is because I had thought about it for to long, and then rushed the drawings at the end. With my weaker hand I had known that it will be a mess, so I was more comfortable and showed lack of caring. Which resulted in my left handed sketches being the superior of the two. On the other hand it was still a strong start for life drawing, as I am sure that as I progress throughout the year, my figure drawings will get stronger. 

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