Wednesday 13 January 2016

Life Drawing week14:

This part seems a bit familiar. Coincidently enough we had a project on the human anatomy and how the body works. We even had to design and label our own drawings on anatomy. Well for this session we were put to the test. Once we had drawn the model,  my tutor would call out a bone and muscle  name, and we would have to label where that name is on our drawings. Just as well we had practice...

For the last thirty minutes of the lesson we where told to draw (in detail) our own hands to try and get a better understand on how to draw body parts.

Hands are well known for being hard to draw, then again drawing a person is hard in my book. But I managed to get a few sketches done of my own hand. One positioned at the front of the hand, then the side of the hand and finally the palm. I was very pleased with myself as I thought doing this would lonely lead to disaster, guess I was wrong. I was even complemented from my tutor on the drawings I had done.

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